I received a new calling in our ward. I have been called to be the ward choir director. I was asked if I would do it before Thanksgiving but I wasn't sustained until just last week. So, I have had a lot of time to think about it. We had our first practice today and now I have realized that I should have spent that time learning how to conduct a choir. I know a whole lot less than I thought. I almost got emotional a few times but I was able to keep it together. I really need to learn how to do this. Maybe that is why I have this calling, so that I can learn a new skill. I was humbled today. I am, however, very grateful for the people that are in the choir. Everyone was (at least I think) very nice and understanding. Overall, I think that for the first time, having no experience leading a choir, it went pretty well.
When I got home I had to do something to take my mind off it so I just started to cook things. I made bread, applesauce, and chicken soup, but it didn't make anything better. I'm still stressed out. Oh, well, I guess studying and time is the only thing that will make this less stressful.
Oh, the bread did work this time, and that did make me feel a little better.
4 years ago
You are too hard on yourself. You did fine. Everyone and I mean everyone who is in this choir knows that you are new and learning and no one is judging you (at least I'm not...)
Plus I thought we sounded great, didn't you? :)
Through experience, we all grow. You did MUCH better than I ever could. Keep your head up. We love you.
P.S. Gigi is very intimidating. She should've talked to you afterwards when everyone wasn't around giving you suggestions on how to conduct. I thought she was totally out of line. But that's just Gigi. We all know how she is.
Kim is right that Gigi is intimidating. Don't let her get to you. You did well. Who cares about cut offs--we generally know when they are (and when to breath). Has Jasmine talked to you about Gigi? Talk to Jasmine about it. You'll feel better.
Heather you are so dang cute to me! I am sure you will do GREAT as choir director!!! I love that you take out your frustrations by cooking. ;) Wish I was as talented as you are!
I have already told you this, but you did just fine! The first time I directed choir in sacrament meeting I forgot to have them stand up. THAT was embarrassing. Don't worry, I won't let you forget to have the choir stand :0)
I think you would be a great choir director. I do think it would be a little indimidating though. Sorry I'm not in the choir to help out.
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